Carmina Burana

Simona Saturova

Martin Grubinger AND The percussive Planet Ensemble
Ferhan and Ferzan Önder: klavier
Dirigent: Rolf Beck
Sony Classical, Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival 2011

You Are Going to LOVE This One!!!
Saturova: what a glorious, full, pure, gorgeous voice, and what great breath control! (Keep your eye on her!) She sings with great self-confidence to boot and is always highly sympathetic to the text. You will be entranced by her in “Amor volat undique”, beguiled by her in “Stetit puella”, transported in “In trutina” and wrapped up and sold in “Dulcissime”. Awesome! What a find she is! Certainly worth the admission price all by herself.
William D. Larson,